I guess that's what stands out in my mind the most these past few months. I have to find a new job. It doesn't define this time in our lives. I'd like to think the colorful antics and burgeoning language of our almost 3 year old, the slowly but surely method of development James has adopted, as well as the stronger bond Ed and I have nurtured are the things I'll remember in the future. But right now, front and center, is job hunting.
This past year was challenging for numerous reasons. Ed and I welcomed James into the world and even with two of the best kids out there, it was still a struggle for balance. Ed battled through the application process and was accepted into Indiana's graduate program and luckily started classes in the summer. He will now have to transfer. I worked my way back from maternity leave and juggled mothering and career to the best of my ability. I focused on myself a little more than I did the first time around and am proud to say I've lost all 50 pounds of baby weight plus an additional 5. Note to self: next time, don't gain 50 pounds.
But outside our little world, my job wasn't going well. The season was one of the hardest I hope I ever coach and in the end, my contract wasn't renewed. After the shock of hearing the news, and the emotions of imagining your family with looks that speak, "but you're the sole bread winner", I listened to Ed's encouragement and have applied for jobs left and right. I took a personal trip to Oklahoma City to watch the WCWS and it was medicine for my soul. The coaching class offered there reminded me how much I love learning about the game and the importance of surrounding myself with people who feel the same way. Some of the great mentors, Carol Hutchins, Jen Brundage, Gayle Blevins, Kathryn Gleason, and Carol Bruggeman were very helpful during my visit. I left with a renewed energy to tackle job hunting.
EV is a wonderful little girl. I still call her "toddler" but she will now correct me.
Here you go toddler.
I NOT toddler. I guuuuuuuuuuuuurl.
Are you a big girl or little girl?
I a little guuuuuuuuuurl.
She enjoys all things dance: ballet, tutus, leotards. And all things girl: dresses, fairy wings, necklaces (which are just head bands she refuses to let me put in her hair). But deep down, my influence is there.
Ballet TV announcer: And that's the end of act 1.
EV: Mama, inning 1 over.
Her language is still a mix of baby swedish, baby talk, and actual talk. I'm able to have full conversations with her and it's amazing having a little person in the house. She misses me dearly when I travel and will sometimes act out when I return. I have to remind myself she is just doing it to get attention so I give her extra loving after a trip. She loves swimming with me but is not interested in learning to swim without her life jacket. The kid would be outside all day if we allowed her. She's good for me because my natural self wants to be indoors. She loves tomatoes, her baby sitter Shelley, and her little brother. In the mornings she comes out and says, "She's sooooooooo cute". Everyone in her world is a "she" and I am particularly proud of that.
James is coming along at his own rate. EV was early with everything (except speech). She crawled, walked, sat up, smiled, laughed, communicated, and got teeth early. James is a boy, through and through. He just lays back and says, "I'm good mom, don't worry about me, I'm just going to watch everyone." He can do tummy time all day but no crawling. He can sit up in a tripod position but that's only recent. And the second his sister walks in the room he looks for her and then falls flat on his face. He tolerates peas, loves sweet potatoes, and hates peaches. He has no tooth through his gums but there is one sitting right below the surface. My mom was worried he was going to be bald and toothless forever. No hair, although EV was the same way. He's ridiculously long but very lean. His outfits are 18mo and 24mo for their length but pants are still a size 3 months. They're basically capris but everything else falls off his little waist. I still don't know how I have long and lean babies. He has a carefree attitude and is constantly smiling. At the doctor's office there is a spot on the worksheet for concerns we have. I had one: he's so good. Sometimes he'll cry at bed time, but it doesn't last very long. He gives me dirty looks when I feed him peaches, but he eats them. He wants his sister by him constantly and gets the biggest smile when she plays with him.
Life is going to change with our move. We don't know whether we will be in a town like Bloomington, a rural area, or a city. Will we have more or less space? In preparation I'm already starting to pack...and purge. We have so many things we do not need and they are taking up space in our house and lives. I won't have to worry about EV's clothes so much if she doesn't have a ton of them. We decided we are going to donate 95% of baby clothes. When and if we decide to have another one I'm sure there will be grandparents eager to buy things for the baby. I'm not going to cart 10 bins full of baby clothes on this move.
Another major change Ed and I have made in the last few months was going to a plant based diet. It is essentially a vegan lifestyle, no meat, no dairy, but we do have eggs from time to time. Not out of a desire to eat them but more as a necessity to create other meals (like sweet potato and carrot latkes). It has done amazing things for both of us. Ed has lost 17 pounds and I've lost about 10 since doing it. Our meals now involve a wide range of vegetables and fruits. We eat whole grains, organic, and local when we can. Tonight's dinner: asparagus, snap peas, tomatoes, and spinach all mixed with a ripe avocado. In the past I would have never considered this our dinner, but now our tastes have changed. I've considered making this change in the past but it was Ed's dedication to it that has made it possible. We are doing it together.
I'm excited to see where life will take us but the most important thing is we will all be together, as a family unit.
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