Friday, January 4, 2013

More EV-isms

I'm in need of a long post but for now I just want to capture little things:

EV's newest thing is: "2 minutes". Ed and I say this all the time when we don't want to do something and instead sit on the couch for "2 more minutes", which really is more like 10...or 20...or infinity. Anyways, when she's doing something I'm not so sure she should be doing, like playing with the tape measure near my craft table, I'll say:
"What are you up to baby girl?"
"2 minutes, 2 minutes, 2 minutes" -while holding her hands up and either signaling 2, 5 or 10, looking very serious.

I don't know how to describe it but her "Hi, Mama"s sound so grown up lately.

Newest idea: "I need Prince, please" - code for "Put Cinderella on the TV NOW!"

She's able to start recognizing her own emotions. When she isn't receiving enough attention she'll either say I need Mama or I need hold. We've been really good at stopping whatever we're doing and divert our attention to her. There hasn't been an increase in acting out since little man appeared, thank goodness, so we've really been trying to honor her requests for attention. Also, last night at swimming with Ed she was able to identify when she was tired and wanted to go home ("I need gotta go"). She will also frequently put herself down for a nap. The kid goes to her room, shuts the door and goes to sleep. I love it.

I had my 6 week post partum checkup and they officially declared the pregnancy, YES! It is over. Done. A break is needed. Anyways, BP was 110/70 and the midwife said my ab muscles are back together (?) and I have muscle tone again. I almost chuckled...I haven't had ab muscle tone since 2006.

Been working out for 2 weeks now, slowly working on getting my heart rarte up and strength/flexibilty. Loosening up my hips and working on balance again feels great. I've hit the hard part at 2 weeks but Ed is committed to helping me continue. I need the release for sanity.

1 comment:

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