Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Things I don't want to forget...

At James' 2 week appointment they wanted him to be back up to his birth weight. He was 8 lbs 4 oz when he was born and still at 8 lbs when we left the hospital. I knew he had been eating what felt like a ton so I wasn't surprised when they said he was 9 lbs 10.6 oz at his 2 week! When he was born he was 20.5 inches. At 2 weeks he is 21 3/4.

EV wore a new nightgown to bed recently. There are a million pictures of cats on them and unfortunately my little girl cannot say the word "kitties" very well so when she wanted to tell me what was on her outfit she said "I have titties". Needless to say we burst out laughing.

We are still navigating EV's language so when she tells us something, we have started repeating it to her. She tends to agree with the most favorable translation:
"I need Sid" (Sid the science kid - tv show)
"You need Sid?"
"Otay" (said like it was our idea)

In order to keep her drinking her milk we have started adding a very tiny amount of chocolate milk. The glass is mostly Vitamin D milk but the small amount of brown color makes her think she's drinking all chocolate milk. Of course she can't say chocolate so instead she asks, "I need chalt mo please".

Thankfully she has taken to having a small brother. She could easily throw a tantrum to get attention but instead she comes up to me and says, "I need Mama". I know that is my cue to stop whatever I'm doing and spend some time with her. We've been doing a lot more reading before bed. She "reads" and I listen. I love it.

Little man has his first cold today. Poor guy has a hard time eating since he struggles breathing through his nose. Also, he's been sleeping in his bouncy chair or car seat since it props him up. No luck with the crib.

I also want to remember how supportive Ed has been during these last few weeks. Well, always actually but especially these last few weeks. He takes care of everything so that during the time James is sleeping, I am sleeping. He doesn't have to get up at night since we haven't done a bottle for real yet, but during the day he is my champion since I wouldn't be able to get up at night without my naps. He has been amazing giving EV time and making sure she does not feel left out.

We have started eating dinner together as a family at the table. We say the same Grace I said growing up and EV knows to hold our hands and bow her head. We're working on her saying it herself.

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